Making Nigeria A Better Place

As of late, I started an informing procedure on Facebook and WhatsApp with the essential target of changing the way we think as Nigerians before we can gain any significant ground and understand our true abilities in various segments. On the off chance that we can achieve the hearts of Nigerians in a very much organized overall positive informing exertion, there is each probability that it will impact the way we think and carry on.

Indeed, even the Holy Book lets us know in the Book of Proverbs that, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is". Each great or awful thought begins from the psyche. Strangely, I have been following comparative posts on Facebook. One of them demonstrates a striking photo of a feline and a puppy in a cordial posture, and the pretender was: "If a feline and a canine can move toward becoming companions, for what reason not Nigerians?"

There was another post by a gathering which calls itself "ANRP" with the overall message of "Mending Our Nation" which proposes that we can and ought to be joined as Nigerians, paying little respect to where we originate from. The post says, "We are not Hausas, we are not Igbos, we are not Yorubas; we are Nigerians". Does this announcement sound good to you? Would it be able to break the ice and lead us some place?

I discover these commitments by Nigerians who are thinking emphatically and distinctively extremely promising. The focal subject of my posts is the means by which we can improve Nigeria a place for all – including our unborn youngsters. The key prerequisites to accomplish this objective, in my view, incorporate visionary authority, common regard, put stock in, adoration, straightforwardness, value, equity and the dread of God. We require God's affection to join us as a result of our assorted variety which is usually expected to be quality and change our individual and national introduction.

The verbal confrontation for accomplishing the Nigeria we had always wanted isn't precisely new yet the current tumults by various gatherings for what is obviously about self-intrigue and survival – regardless of the possibility that the strategies and strategies are wrong – supports the earnest need to examine straightforwardly issues, for example, straightforwardness, value and reasonableness as we go for graphing another course for Nigeria's future. It is never past the point where it is possible to begin a true discussion on the previously mentioned issues since they are at the core of the initiative emergency profoundly alarming Nigeria.

Inevitably, we point to Malaysia, Dubai, Singapore, Norway, China, and South Korea as excellent models and layout for re-building Nigeria, be that as it may, in truth, transforming Nigeria into a heaven does not require any advanced science. Truly, there's nothing incorrectly in considering and trusting that the huge improvements and personal satisfaction accomplished in those nations can likewise happen or ought to have occurred in Nigeria at this point.

I rehash, we have to alter our reasoning and change our introduction. Nigerians, both at home and abroad, are doing awesome things to move amazing changes and improvement in Nigeria; so we have the general population and the brains to lead this change for Nigeria to wind up "a land streaming with drain and nectar'' like any of the nations specified previously. Dubai, a city that actually became out of the abandon, has turned into a model of improvement universally rounding up critical income to a great extent from goal promoting and not oil. It didn't take too ache for Dubai to accomplish this accomplishment which implies it isn't past the point of no return for Nigeria to re-set its improvement motivation.

What is basically keeping us down is the way we think. We don't believe each on account of tribe and religion made much more sad due to what is currently known as "personality governmental issues". This is the reason I concur with Professor Kingsley Moghalu when he wrote in his article as of late that the current political class can't lead us to the Promised Land which Nigeria ought to have achieved quite a while prior.

At the point when a nation is driven by government officials with extremely restricted vision driven to a great extent by a "me, myself and I' mindset, there can be no advance. Nigerians want advance on all fronts and a walk to enormity where riches is made and success is ensured for all. Shockingly, the catastrophe is that the dominant part of Nigerians are as yet thinking that its hard to comprehend that they hold the ability to turn things around by voting out the "awful folks" as a result of the calming insights of underdevelopment that we are gone up against with yearly. Races can be fixed however we can likewise decline to be utilized by legislators; it implies race apparatus and its twin cousin of savagery can be maintained a strategic distance from on the off chance that we are thinking appropriately.

Rather than governmental issues of thoughts, we have been held around legislative issues of support, character, intensity, rancor and do-or-pass on which guarantees that a similar arrangement of legislators – some of them stark uneducated people and other people who claim to be instructed neither having information or vision – are re-cycled each decision season. We grumble about our constitution, yet as indicated by Simon Kolawole's hypothesis which I subscribe to, the issue is with us, the administrators of the constitution, and not the safe archive. The arrangement is to change the way we think and carry on like Rotarians who 'think above self".

In a perfect world, Nigerians ought to continually feel a feeling of shock since they are constantly duped by those they voted into office; the historical backdrop of poor results going back to 1999 should incite a noteworthy shock and national discussion for straightforward authority from their pioneers at all levels.

A decent approach to start is to survey Nigeria's income since 1999 and coordinate that with what we can see on the ground as improvement breakthroughs in each state measured as far as month to month designations got from Abuja over the period. What did we do with all the cash we earned from raw petroleum, also non-oil receipts and inside created income in all states? I'm not going to imagine as though I don't recognize what happened or what is going on, however our normal mankind isn't served by the way open assets are plundered by the individuals who have advantaged access to control.

This is an ideal opportunity to begin thinking contrastingly with a specific end goal to improve Nigeria a place. I'd truly get a kick out of the chance to know the rationale behind plundering open supports and taking same by the pillagers and their colleagues to different nations and after that purchasing properties in those spots. It doesn't stop there. Our thieves likewise put resources into costly occasions with their families; restorative tourism when we ought to settle our healing centers and in Ivy League schools far and wide for their youngsters.

Rather than building a beneficial national bearer like Ethiopian Airlines, our political pioneers like to fly and hotshot in private streams. Despite everything i'm endeavoring to bode well out of this up-side down considering. By what means can a yam agriculturist with a rich horse shelter of yams from his gather go to the market to purchase yam when he needs to eat beat yam?

There is no piece of Nigeria that won't welcome great streets, clean running water, steady power, effective open transportation framework, eye popping foundation, all round quality instruction and very much prepared doctor's facilities that are not "negligible counseling centers".

We can't rely upon oil perpetually, so we require vital masterminds – and we have a lot of them – in government to move our concentration to non-oil sends out in light of the fact that there are a few alternatives on the table. In one of my Facebook posts, I said each state in Nigeria ought to distinguish a financial movement that will make riches and success for the state and its kin, and the state will wind up plainly known for that action. For instance, Edo State can end up plainly known broadly for home outfitting and Kebbi State as the rice capital of Nigeria. This is extremely conceivable and we can draw motivation from California, USA that has fabricated a prosperous economy noted universally to a great extent from innovation, horticulture, amusement and accommodation areas.
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